I learned about the MassSave program through my electric company, NStar, and I had a home energy audit. Getting the people to show up on the right date at the right time was a pain, but the process was worth it. The man who performed the tests said that you may have one once a year. He filled any empty light sockets I had with CFL bulbs and replaced any incandescent bulbs with CFL's. Of course, I had already done that, so my total was only 3. But, I won't buy them any more, because they can come once a year and they give you the bulbs for FREE (the price is right!)
I am also back to my schools, so this week, I was able to walk to school two days and ride my bike one day. I intend to diminish the use of my car as much as possible now that the weather is turning (although that snow through me for a loop!) Besides it being better for the environment, it cost me $50 to fill my tank last week; that is insane. I also got a hold of a Consumer Reports from a friend of mine and will be researching the most green vehicles. So, stay tuned!
I ate a Red Lentil in Watertown last week, and I must rave about the desserts. I had raspberry cheesecake; it was to die for! I also bought one to go: chocolate, blueberry cake. It was yummy too. The meal was good too, although I like True Bistro in Somerville better, I think. (Only been once, so jury is still out.)
I have been making smoothies for breakfast the past month, so that I could drink them in the car on my long ride to student teaching. Here are two of my favorite concoctions (Note: I didn't really measure anything, so am just guessing):
Banana Blueberry Smoothie
1 room temperature banana
1/2 - 1 cup of frozen blueberries
cinnamon to taste (I use a lot, maybe even 1 T)
2 T ground flax seeds
1-2 cups kale or spinach
1 cup Soy or Almond milk
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
1 frozen banana (I peel, and freeze it in three sections)
1-2 T peanut butter
2-3 T cocoa powder
1 t cinnamon to taste (it goes in everything for me! You could omit it.)
2 T ground flax seeds
1-2 cups kale or spinach
1 cup Soy or Almond milk
I think if you want a thinner consistency, you could use milk instead of water. Also, I learned through this process that there is no right way, and that I don't really need a recipe to make these. Just use whatever ingredients you like and play with the amounts until you get just the taste you want. Remember to write it down if you want to recreate it.
At this time last year, I would have already planted the onions, leeks, scallions and radishes outside and this weekend last year I also planted the potatoes, spinach, and broccoli outside. Fat chance of that today, since the snow is still covering the ground. Maybe by tomorrow, I can clear a section and at least get the onions in. Last year they didn't have a long enough growing season. This year I am going to put them in a raised bed so that I could possibly extend the season by making a pseudo cold frame. Also, last year this weekend I planted a lot of herbs in the garage, and some stuff inside.
Last year, I calculated seeding dates based on the Farmers Almanac and a May 10th last frost, but I decide to push my dates back two weeks this year, and base all seed dates on Memorial Day. For one, it is more practical to transplant on that weekend, and for another, last year a lot of them stretch while inside and burnt up once I put them out, and then had to recover from that.
The strawberries are looking good, I think. I had covered them with raked leaves last fall for a protection from the winter weather. I planned to rake them off this weekend, but some are peeking through and they look healthy! Yeah---I had started 2 years ago with 8 plants and this year have 131---so worth all the work last fall separating and transplanting them. I hope I get a good yield to make smooties and desserts with!
The garlic is sending up shoots through the 6 inches of hay that is covering it. The hay is hard too, so I wasn't sure what to do about it. It's a good thing I saw the shoots, because I was going to rake it. Now I will be careful not to do damage.
I also cleaned out the raspberry patch, and removed a few more stalks, and transplanted them elsewhere in the yard. They may not grow, but if they do, yippee! I think between the fall and now, I have transplanted at least 13-15 plants. I will keep you posted!
That's all for now...sorry to be so long winded. That's what happens when I take a month off of writing!
Happy Spring!
Oh, I'm so glad to hear that someone else is looking forward to growing here in New England where winter doesn't want to quit!
ReplyDeleteI've gotten my onions started in flats - in hopes of extending the season a bit while the snow melts! And the first of the lettuce has been sown....now if Mother Nature will just cooperate!
Love the recipes....am definitely going to try the blueberry one! Check out my Pico de Gallo recipe at
...it's really yummy, vegan, and will make you smile!